Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Early in my employment career I had several rather dull and boring jobs. One task involved drilling a countersink into thousands of aluminum missile guidance fins every day, day after day after day. Another involved taking 4,000 artillery cartridge cases each day and inserting them into a mock gun barrel to make sure they "fit." Boring as these jobs were, the one job that really drove me crazy was standing at the end of a conveyor chain and unhooking cartridge cases from the line, and putting them on another conveyor belt to go somewhere else. I never met the person who loaded the parts at the front end of the line.

At lunch time my end of the conveyor suddenly became empty because the other guy went to lunch at 11:30. I knew that in one half hour I had better be back in place because those cartridge cases would again be coming out to be unloaded, whether I was there or not. From 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. I unloaded the conveyor line. Looking back, I can't understand why it took me two months to apply my talents elsewhere.

You know, life can be tedious. Every one of my children informed me, usually around age 13, that he or she was "bored." But people do not have to be bored with life. My life brims with excitement. And, it has nothing to do with what I do for a living. My current job is to work for the Lord of the Harvest and to await His return. I do so with eager anticipation.

How many people do you think were on the earth when Jesus was born? Less than one billion I'm sure. How many were really aware of his appearance in a Bethlehem stable? If you count all of the shepherds, magi, angels, Simeon, Anna, Mary, Joseph and throw in their relatives, the animals and Herod's officials for good measure, you probably still can't total 100 people.

And, how many people are on the earth today? Maybe six billion or so? How many do you think are really tuned in to his second appearance in the skies above? How about you? Do you wait expectantly, and earnestly desire his return?

Would it disrupt your life too much if he were to return while you read this little page? I hope not. Remember the preacher who told his congregation, "I have some good news and I have some bad news for you: the good news is that Jesus is returning again, the bad news is that He is coming tonight." Luke wrote, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw him go into heaven." Acts 1:11. It's an interesting verse. Could have been left out I suppose. Just says He is coming back again the same way you saw him leave, so why are you standing around looking up in the sky.

How in the world can anyone be bored when the next great event in the history of mankind is the imminent, post-resurrectional and post-ascensional return of the Christ of God for his Church. I've flown in a lot of airplanes, and I can't wait to take that flight. No boarding pass, no packaged peanuts, no runway taxiing.

Just "up, up, and away" with Jesus Christ evermore!

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