Thursday, March 31, 2011


He created the universe and it was good. Galaxies by the billions and stars by the trillions. Space so vast that mankind cannot really conceive of the distances involved and must resort to describing how far light travels in a year in order to explain how far the closest galaxy is from earth. And, then, we have only just pricked the skin of the apple! We have only just removed one grain of sand from the beaches of the world.

This God, did he cry when he created the Universe? I suppose your answer may depend on whether you believe that at the instant of creation he also absorbed the pain of the cross of Calvary. Did this God of ours know and understand and comprehend at the instant of creation that he would suffer and die and absorb all of the hideous evil of his creation? That in his very act of creation, he was beginning a process that would include the cry, "My God, My God - why have you forsaken me?"

Oh, I know that Jesus wept over his friend Lazarus, and shed a tear over the people of Jerusalem, but I think God's heart was pierced long before he put on human flesh and walked with man. I suspect that when he created "creation," he knew the pain and sorrow that would come. I doubt that any of us knows what thousands of years of wicked acts by billions of people amounts to on the scales of God's holiness. How can you measure the atrocities of slaughter, rape, and pillage committed throughout history by each and every person born to mankind? And, God absorbed it all in Christ Jesus. From the earliest lies told by young children, to the theft of trinkets by adolescents, to the gas chambered slaughters of Belsen and Treblinka committed by evil incarnate, our God looked into the face of his only begotten Son hanging on a cross, and perhaps, they both said in unison, "It is finished!"

It seems to me that God exists outside of time and space. That is, scripture and science both seem to argue for the universe being created. Now, what existed before the universe existed - God help us to even come close to understanding. The best I can do is postulate that before the Universe existed, God was. But, the Universe is all I know, and discounting space dust, the universe is more than 99.99% "empty." I can't understand something existing before creation, and truth of all truths, I can't really even come close to understanding the God who created. A God who knows that his creation will fail him, and will deliberately and intentionally violate his every trust and confidence, but who will make provision for the salvation and restoration of every person who caused him pain and sorrow. And, I can't understand a God who cried.

Ah, Lord! I can trust a God who cried for me. Sometimes, I cry for you as I think about your pain. I think of the sorrow man brings upon man and I have no clue as to the depth of pain felt by you. I can only hope that your joy is unbounded as we bring our worship and praise and adoration into your presence. I trust that your laughter and joy have multiplied and filled the heavens for the eternal ages. Rejoice, oh my creator and savior in your redeemed creation.

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