Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I have known Leon Burke for about 10 years. He is a hero in my book. I wanted to publish his story for some time because, although many have described "out of body heavenly" experiences, Leon focuses on an aspect I have not heard before, i.e., that Truth permeates heaven. In that our earthly existence is normally less than 100% Truth, this is worth considering. Thank you Leon for this insight.   (brian)

(as Experienced by Leon O. Burke, M.D.)

About 24 years ago an episode of auricular fibrillation  (irregular heart beats) of my heart resulted in a careful cardiac evaluation  by  an  excellent cardiologist. 
Several areas of arteriosclerotic plaques were found in my  coronary  arteries which were beginning to reduce their ability to supply oxygenated blood to the heart muscle.  The muscle was not damaged and an appropriate regimen of medications and  life style modifications was started and carefully continued with good results.

Somewhat later, prolapse of the  mitral valve with  some leakage was noted.  I was carefully and frequently evaluated.  In the early l980’s it was found that one of the branches of the circumflex coronary artery had closed without my knowledge or any damage to the muscle and good collateral vessels had developed.  Gradually, the leakage of the mitral valve increased.  In time, my first cardiologist retired and my next one moved . 

Excellent evaluations and care continued under the direction of  cardiologist Joseph  A. Kozina, M. D. (a compassionate Christian with excellent judgement who provided excellent rapport). I was able to continue skiing until mid March of l997 when a “snowboarder” ran into me and caused many fractures of the right pelvis and hip joint socket which were nicely repaired by Steven A. Olson, M.D. and in time I could resume an active life style.

An evaluation by Dr. Kozina on 2 Feb. l999 revealed a continuing increase in the leakage of the mitral valve.  He felt that to prevent deterioration and probable irreparable damage to the heart it would be wise to schedule “open-heart” surgery for treatment of the mitral valve, possibly  the aortic valve and probable vein graft by-passes of areas of partial obstruction of several coronary arteries within the next six months.

I agreed and asked to be scheduled for the surgery  as soon as possible! I then consulted with cardiac Surgeon,  Robert H. Allen, M.D. also of Sacramento, CA. , who has the well-earned reputation of being one of the best cardiac surgeons in existence, and a surgery  date was scheduled for l8 May l999 at Mercy General Hospital of Sacramento, CA (where I had treated most of my surgical patients since l958) which has an outstandingly good reputation  and  excellent staff and personnel.

I felt that this surgery offered an excellent opportunity to correct a problem and avoid the decline and complications which would be expected to occur without surgical correction.  This opportunity has not been possible during the entire time of mankind on this planet until only  a few years ago and the rate of success has been increasing while the complication rate has fallen .

What a blessed opportunity!!

I  was surprised and very pleased that I never felt any fear of the surgery from the time of being advised of the need to schedule “Open - Heart” surgery throughout the preoperative period, surgery, and the convalescence even with a full knowledge of the possible complications. This  in spite of the fact that I tend to get a few “butterflies-in-the-stomach” when facing taking an academic test, etc.  I simply  had faith that we were doing the right thing in spite of the known potential for serious complications.

During the surgical procedure I had a very unusual experience.  I find that words are very inadequate to describe this event.  Usually I do not recall dreams and if I awaken following one it has usually faded from my recall and memory within a few seconds. However, this experience that seemed very real has persisted and without any change of clearness or loss of detail for these many months to the current time.

In the months prior to the surgery date I found myself doing an inventory of myself.  I have never had any identity problem .  I have always known who I am while pursuing the various goals of my life.  However, I felt I would like to search out that essence that makes me a separate and distinct individual separate from all of my accomplishments, achievements , titles  and those things added over a life-time that we and others tend to recognize as “who we are”.

So I carefully  mentally  removed and “set-aside” temporarily each of the things that had been added to make me as I am currently.  Eventually , over a long period of time I traced myself back to what seems to have been that initial thing that is my being. I think it was about the time that as an infant I realized that my parents and my environment were not an extension of myself or that we were all an undivided entity but that I was somehow separate and distinctly an entity though related to others and my  environment.  Perhaps that which I identified was my  soul or spirit.  I seem to have arrived at this point of my “inventory”  at about the time of my surgery date.

This experience seems to have occurred during the time that I was undergoing “open-heart” surgery.  I had  arrived in the surgery suite in an excellent state of mind, emotion and spirit. I had been surprisingly blessed  by a lack of any emotion of fear from the time of the decision to have the surgery throughout the pre-operative period.  I had considered that the possibility of surgical correction of my cardiac problems was a wonderful opportunity available only within the past few years. The mental and spiritual inventory that I had given myself was very beneficial. 

In this experience, while under anesthesia, I found myself alone in a somewhat “misty” place, which I seemed to have just entered.

Strangely, I found myself able to observe from two perspectives. I could see in one’s usual manner as one does in one’s  physical body. Yet, at the same time I could observe in an “overview” mode as one can view a large area and specific objects therein, as from a significant height. From this latter vantage point it appeared that I was a distinct entity,  but, perhaps,  I seemed to be a soft point of light (or  energy) with soft, yet distinct,  somewhat circular boundaries surrounding me and separating me from my new environment.  This place seemed to be boundless.  Somehow, I understood that I was to move in a specific direction, and steadily and effortlessly I did so.  However, I could not see any of my extremities as one does normally in one’s peripheral vision when walking in our natural physical bodies.  So, I suppose I was a spiritual entity at that time.

Soon, without hearing any words or seeing any word signs I realized that I was in a place where TRUTH IS ALL INCLUSIVE!!!  

I understood that ABSOLUTE TRUTH EXISTS AND THAT EVERYTHING SPIRITUAL, MORAL, OR PHYSICAL IS BASED UPON AND FUNCTIONS ONLY BECAUSE OF TRUTH. Truth is the only reality, now, in the past, and eternally in the future. There are no partial truths, although  it is possible that one may understand only a portion of truth.  I cannot find words adequate to express the JOY  I felt on learning this!!! How wonderful to be in a place where “all is truth and truth is complete” - a place where there are no more partial truths, distortions, “spins” or lies!!

What unimaginable comfort, joy  and assurance to realize that what I had sought existed in pure form and that all I had been taught, learned, experienced and believed of GOD, THE SUPREME BEING, THE TRINITY, and GOD”S moral standards and laws and HIS most intricate material physical creations of nature exist in pure TRUTH! This was not a cold , legalistic, TRUTH but a LOVING AND COMPASSIONATE “TRUTH”!!

I continued steadily on my course REJOICING! I arrived at a vast open space extending infinitely in all 360 degree directions. In the half of this where I stopped it appeared level,   but as I looked at where one would normally expect to find a horizon, there was none,  but instead there appeared something much like one sees looking at “the milky  way” from the earth. Elsewhere above were innumerable points of light of varied intensity like a “starry sky”.  Directly in front of me and occupying the entire other l80 degrees of the space was what seemed somewhat like a cloud illuminated from within.  At various locations over its surface, pastel colors of the spectrum moved about. My vision could not penetrate the surface. I heard no voice, nor saw any writing, but there was clear and distinct communication.  There was no visible  marking  of demarcation or limitation between me and the “misty” cloud-like area which I faced. 

I had a very strong desire to continue my course into the “hemisphere” occupied by the object before me. However,  it was communicated to me that I was not to cross the invisible line of limitation but was to remain where I had stopped.  I was somewhat disappointed that I was not to be allowed to continue, but I was aware that I was encountering “ALMIGHTY  GOD” whose presence I felt,  but who was hidden from me by the vast cloud-like object.  So I stopped moving and stayed where I was.  I felt surrounded by  love, fully accepted and inexpressibly comfortable and secure.  The nearest human experience to which I could liken it would be as that of an infant who has been fed, bathed and cuddled securely in the lap and arms  of a loving parent who caresses and  speaks softly and lovingly to it,  much like I had felt in my  family home.  Wordless communication continued and I was bathed in comforting love. I felt as if I could be content to remain there forever.  I knew that I was in GOD’S presence at this time but I did have a desire to cross the invisible boundary and be more fully  with HIM in the “great adventure” that I sensed to be within the area obscured by the illuminated “misty” cloud.

After what seemed to be a long time, I was directed (without audible words) that it was time to return to where I had previously been.  As I obediently  turned (somewhat reluctantly) to return  I recall asking that GOD’S  HOLY SPIRIT  might accompany me to guide me to see what I should do upon my return and to strengthen me and guide me as I tried to accomplish that which I am to do.  I felt reassured that GOD’S  presence would be available to help me recognize and do HIS  will.

My next conscious awareness was that I had returned to my point of departure and that I was aware that I was aware.  It was comforting to know that my brain was functioning.  Next I was aware that I could move my extremities.  Then I became aware of post-operative pain. So I knew that I was back, that all was well and that I could start my convalescence.

I hope always to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit  and aware of  where and  how I can use my earthly life to recognize and do GOD’S  will  while I exist in my body with its nicely functioning heart. 
I recently checked and found these references confirming my experience:

Psalm 139:17:  “The sum of Thy Word is TRUTH, and every one of Thy righteous ordinances is everlasting.”

John 1:14: “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and TRUTH.”

John 7:28:  “---He who sent Me is TRUE.”

John  8:32:  “You shall know the TRUTH,  and the TRUTH shall make you free.”

John 14:6:  Jesus said:  “I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE; no one comes to the Father but through Me.”

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