Thursday, April 21, 2011


A friend once asked me to go fishing with him. He always impressed me as being a pretty good fisherman. His fishing tackle always looked new and top notch. He always had great stories about good fishing spots where he could catch the "big" ones. But, he never brought any fish home. He just talked about fishing.

There is a great story found in John 21. Peter says, "I go a fishing." And, six other disciples say, "We also go with you." These guys were commercial fisherman out for a catch - they were not fooling around. They had fished this territory before. They cast their nets from the ship all night long and by morning had not caught a fish, not even a minnow for their labor! Then Jesus appears on the shore and tells them to cast their net on the "right" side of the ship - as opposed to the "left" side (or maybe the "wrong" side). And - they immediately catch 153 large fish.

There are probably many lessons to be gleaned from this passage - but, as "fishers of men" we must not rely on our own skills and smarts to catch fish. We must hear what Jesus has to say to us, and then we must do what he tells us to do. The point is that the Lord Jesus knows where the fish are. The trick is to be directed by Him. The story found in John, chapter 21 describes how to find God's fish (and His direction): Look, Listen and Obey!

Let me ask you a few questions (no peeking in the Bible). First, name six of the twelve scouts sent out by Moses. Second, name 3 of Goliath's gigantic brothers. Third, name Jacob's children by the servant of Leah and the servant of Rachel. Now, name the Brooklyn Dodger pitcher who surrendered the game winning World Series home run to the Giants Bobby Thompson in 1951.

So, what's the point! Only that you remember the winners, not the second place or tenth place or last place finishers. You remember Joshua and Caleb because they were the men of faith. You remember David the King, but not Goliath's deceased kinfolk. And Ralph Branca, Al Downing, Johnny Pesky, and Billy Buckner are often remembered for important games they lost, rather than for their great careers.

I would like to make a pitch for you to be a winner! A home run hitter instead of a losing pitcher. I know the secret - and I am willing to share it with you! The problem is, you know the secret too. It is found in John, chapter 21 and I call it the "Look, Listen and Obey" principle. I am reminded of the story of the old immigrant whose family booked him passage on a ship crossing the Atlantic to New York City at the turn of the century. He packed his suitcase with cheese and bread to sustain him during the long journey. About two thirds of the way across the Atlantic Ocean, a ship's steward found him looking into the dining room area and asked him why he did not go in and eat with the other passengers. It was only then that the old man discovered that his ticket price included all meals served aboard ship.

Well, the secret of "winning" is found in John 21. In summary, it is "hear what the Master has to say to you, and then go do what He tells you to do." Look, listen and obey! Life is far too short for us to stand outside the dining room of God's bountiful provision, when the price has been paid, the ticket is in our hand, and the Captain invites us in to sit at his table. Most of the time we are like the old hungry immigrant standing on the outside, looking in at the bounty spread on the tables.

When I was a young boy, the theaters were packed for a short time with 3-D movies. But, after my conversion to Jesus Christ in 1959 - I found a better set of 3-D glasses to look through.

Here are my "3-D's"

Desperate to hear him
Determined to follow him
Delighted to belong to him

Let me encourage you to stop and smell the roses today. Instead of telling God what you intend to do - and then asking him to bless your activities - why not ask him to tell you what he wants you to do today. Maybe he just wants you to sit down, sit still, and think about him for a while. If it is a choice between casting your nets all night long on the wrong side of the boat, and of hearing the voice of Jesus tell us what we should be doing with our lives - let's listen to the Lord's call, and do what he tells us to do. Let's "Look, Listen, and Obey!"

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