Friday, April 22, 2011


The Bible is full of examples of people who were "ordinary" men and women who accomplished "extraordinary" deeds.

We recently lost three "ordinary" men - but men who accomplished "extraordinary" deeds for the glory of God that will live far beyond their lives.

Most of us are just ordinary men and women, who can accomplish extraordinary things by allowing God to use us.

There is a saying that, "God does not want your ability, just your availability." God will use whatever talents you have to do what needs to be done.

God provides the tools. For Moses, it was just an ordinary rod. For Samson, it was the jaw bone of an ass. For David, it was a slingshot and stones from a riverbed. For the impoverished widow, it was common pots that could hold some oil. For Peter, it was just a fish that swallowed some tax money. Jesus used spit and dirt to make a paste to create vision.

Common things that God used for extraordinary purposes.

But, we must be available.

"I'm too busy," is a statement often heard. But, too busy doing what? Too busy doing God's work? Or too busy doing "busy" work? Too busy interacting with "the saints" that we can't interact with the lost?

Yes, we need some more "ordinary" men and women who see a job that needs to be done, and who without much fanfare or trumpet blowing just go and get the job done. It is amazing what will happen when no one worries about who will get the credit.

How about it ladies and gentlemen! Are you busy using your "extraordinary" talents to accomplish meaningless tasks that will eventually bear the label of "wood, hay and stubble?"

Or, do you want to be available for God to do something really extraordinary with your life, that ultimately weighs in as gold and silver when your days are ended?

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